Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Take off the blinders...Take off the limitations. What do you love doing? What are your hobbies? What is it that you think about every time you get a spare moment?

That is the BUSINESS for you to be in...Don't tell me it can't be done. I will just tell you to figure out how to do it.

Let's go back to Barbara...What should she be doing? How about being a pet sitter, dog walker, pet day care, pet groomer, or dog trainer? She could write books on pet training, animal grooming, etc. That could be an information business. It could be a service business. Don't put limitations on yourself or others.

Don't tell me it can't be done! On TV, I just heard about a DOG BAKERY which only sells gourmet dog treats. They have over a million in sales and 20,000 mail order clients besides what they have in their little shop. If you love it, you will find a way once you make up your mind!

For many of you reading this, you may be in the wrong business. You are making money (Or you aren't making money it doesn't matter), but you just aren't happy. Well, now you have it. Somebody was finally willing to tell you the truth of the matter.

Find your LOVE and you will find success. Yes, it will be hard starting out. It is in any business you get started in. If your business is also your passion and your hobby though, YOU WILL make it through and won't quit when it gets hard, because you LOVE it.

Take my quick test below and let me know how it turns out for you...
1) Do You Dread Getting Out of Bed Every Morning?
2) Do you constantly wish you could obtain freedom in your life somehow?
3) Have you tried a home business before and failed?
4) Do you wonder if there is any purpose to your life?
5) Do you wish you could spend more time at your hobby than at your job?

If you answered "YES" to any of those questions, you have some thinking ahead of you. If you answered "YES" to all of them, you better do something in a hurry.

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