Friday, January 30, 2009

Wow! So Easy.

Well, there are times in our lives that we know we should have given more attention at school. I was one of those who passed every year but achieved no grades to brag about.
Although I passed my senior exam I had to make a special application to be allowed to attend university part time. Did one semester, trying to attain a B-degree in administration. Industrial psychology 101 was okay but Public Administration was really and truly not for lazy guys.
Understand me, to sit down and work is one thing (I can spend hours working on a computer) but to study is entirely another.
I used all the excuses in and out of the book not to finish my studies; 1990 was a time of turmoil in South Africa, so I had a great excuse why I could not complete my studies. Furthermore, I had no car of my own. A married man needs to spend more time with his family, plus, plus, plus. The real reason, I could not study.
Today people will give you a manual for each and everything. Are manuals difficult to understand or are they difficult to understand?
When my friend told me about online trading, one of the reasons that I took so long to jump in was the fact that I thought, not another difficult manual. He tried to convince me that it is the easiest thing he did in a long time and I thought, yeh right. Although I knew that he did not know anything about trading, I knew that he loves reading.
Eventually, when I tried Forex trading, I could kick myself. It is so easy, if you can master reading, you can trade on Forex. No other system is as easy. Let me put it like this, if you can’t read, and your 10 year old can master reading in English, you can trade online.
Jump in today, click here, you will not regret it in a million years. The only regret you will have is that you did not believe me.
Forex is definitely the way to go. Please post your comments to my blog.

Steven D, South Africa.

Born to be poor! Maybe not.

Yes, with my luck I started to think that I was doomed to die poor. I’m 47 and believe me; I’ve tried so many schemes in my lifetime that I stopped counting. At a younger age I had my fair share of pyramid schemes. I never lost a lot of money but losing money- who can afford it?
Then the internet arrived with all its promises. I thought that learnt my lesson (no, lessons is the correct word). So many offers to make money easily and quickly. Buy this e-book or order that program. Try this affiliate program or send 10 000 emails. More than 50% of my hard drive is filled with e-books and programs to drive traffic to a website.
The only people that made real money were those who sold the e-books and made the promises. So, understand me, when a friend of mine came to me with yet another way to make easy money, I, not to hurt his feelings, listened without real interest. Can you blame me? The only thing I remembered was trading and something about Forex.
Well, he is not stupid and could see that I was just sparing his feelings. Three months later he came to me again but this time he did not say a word. He just put all the evidence on the table for me to read, printouts from the computer and his bank account to show me his gains.
This time he really got my attention. He started to tell me about trading on the internet. I stopped him in disbelieve because, like me, he was not supposed to know anything about trading.
Are you involved in dirty dealings? Please promise me that you will immediately stop, before it’s too late. I got so nerves that I started to sweat.
He started to laugh and told me about Forex and how you don’t have to know anything about trading. Forex will take you by the hand and lead you so to speak.
Once bitten twice shy, that was me after all the failures of many years. It took me another 3 months and more prove before I made my move.
Today, I can kick myself for waiting so long. Please, don’t make the same mistake; you will lose out on a lot of money. Act today and click here. I would like to hear from you again. Go to my blog and leave your comments.
Steven D, South Africa

American Dollars for non Americans

The economy…….. Don’t you even start. I don’t know much about markets. Why does the oil price go up or down? Why is the price of gold $870 an ounce today and $908 tomorrow? Why will it be $700 by next Wednesday?
Please don’t ask me.
The only thing I know is that when the oil price goes up, I will pay more for food, transport (public or my own), clothes, interest rates goes up.
In my country, South Africa, I know that those things does not come down with the oil price except maybe for the interest rates. Okay, your private transport costs will also come down with the oil prices but not public transport.
While I’m busy typing this the news is on TV. One of the things that caught my attention is that the IMF says that the economic growth will only be 0.5% this year. Another thing is that 51 000 000 (yes, I wanted to write it out, 51 million) jobs will be lost this year according to a UN Agency.
Will you be one of those losing their jobs this year? People just returned to work after the Christmas holidays and already people are talking about retrenchments. I believe that this is happening world wide.
Recession is the word that crops up everywhere. From the United States of America to Japan, South Africa to Hong Kong, everyone is having difficult financial times. Banks need help, what about me, who’s money is supposed to be save in the bank?
Job security is something of the past. Some companies even sacrifices experienced people to save money.
Some countries will struggle to return to “normal” after all of this is over. Shame, if your president’s name is Mugabe, you have no hope at all. 94% of the Zimbabweans are jobless at the moment.
So why would you want to earn American Dollars? Most countries’ currencies, South Africa is definitely one of them, are linked to the American Dollar. The one thing that I’ve noticed is that whenever there is a crisis, our Rand will weaken against the American Dollar. Therefore it makes sense to me to try and get some dollars.
Now it is not that easy at all to get hold of dollars. The systems to use in trading are all too complex, or so I thought, until I tried Forex trading. Now I just know I don’t have to know much about economics. All that I need to know is that my money is growing steadily, and that I’m getting into some American Dollars.
Forex really made it easy for me.
NS Post your comments to my blog please.
Steven D, South Africa