Friday, January 30, 2009

Wow! So Easy.

Well, there are times in our lives that we know we should have given more attention at school. I was one of those who passed every year but achieved no grades to brag about.
Although I passed my senior exam I had to make a special application to be allowed to attend university part time. Did one semester, trying to attain a B-degree in administration. Industrial psychology 101 was okay but Public Administration was really and truly not for lazy guys.
Understand me, to sit down and work is one thing (I can spend hours working on a computer) but to study is entirely another.
I used all the excuses in and out of the book not to finish my studies; 1990 was a time of turmoil in South Africa, so I had a great excuse why I could not complete my studies. Furthermore, I had no car of my own. A married man needs to spend more time with his family, plus, plus, plus. The real reason, I could not study.
Today people will give you a manual for each and everything. Are manuals difficult to understand or are they difficult to understand?
When my friend told me about online trading, one of the reasons that I took so long to jump in was the fact that I thought, not another difficult manual. He tried to convince me that it is the easiest thing he did in a long time and I thought, yeh right. Although I knew that he did not know anything about trading, I knew that he loves reading.
Eventually, when I tried Forex trading, I could kick myself. It is so easy, if you can master reading, you can trade on Forex. No other system is as easy. Let me put it like this, if you can’t read, and your 10 year old can master reading in English, you can trade online.
Jump in today, click here, you will not regret it in a million years. The only regret you will have is that you did not believe me.
Forex is definitely the way to go. Please post your comments to my blog.

Steven D, South Africa.

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