Friday, February 13, 2009

Money's to tight to Mention 2

Do not Procratinate
With the article: “Bring in the Money 1”, I kind of put the horse before the cart. The reason was to wet your appetite. If you have not read it please read it first by clicking on the link above.
I ended of that article by saying that there are other things that you would need before you can start a business.
1. Do you feel the fire in your belly to start a business, not just any old business but one that can give you an extra income that is sizable. A business that can become a full time business if you so wish? A let me try attitude might not get you very far. That kind of attitude will make you to give up too easily. The desire to make something of your financial situation must be strong or otherwise you must tell yourself that this is just going to be a hobby. Nothing wrong with hobbies, but I don’t think the drive is the same as when you want to be successful.
2. What are your goals? Write them down and visualize them coming to life. Set a date when you would want to achieve it. Put it up against a wall if possible. You need to see it often.
3. Set up mini milestones on your way to achieve this goal.
4. Write a monetary value down that is achievable and write it in your diary or some other place where you can see it. The best place would be where your goals are. You would need this money to achieve your goals.
5. Write down mini monetary values to your mini milestones.
6. What are you prepared to give to be able to reach your goals? Dreaming won’t get you there. You will need self-discipline, energy, and time. But, and a big but, you will always need your family and friends. Do not sacrifice them for money. Money without family and friends can be very cold and lonely. If I had to choose between a. having lots of money and no family and friends or b. being poor but happy with my friends and family; I will choose the latter.
7. What needs to be done today, do it. Tomorrow will bring its own challenges and you mite not be able to cope with it. Soon you will find yourself a week behind schedule. Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.
8. Do you have a clear plan or are you just going to see what tomorrow brings? This is very dangerous. If you don’t know what exactly you are going to do you are going to waste time trying to figure it all out. When your plan is at hand you will at least have the time to find resources if you don’t know how to do a certain task. If you know nothing about the business you are going to venture in, plan to find out what it is all about in the next few days, then you can work out the rest of your plan.

What else do you need?
1. Set up a business account. Your bank will be able to advice you.
2. Do I need to say a computer with internet connection? Your local library computer won’t do it for you. If you don’t have a computer and a close family member can’t help you out, save up and buy one.
3. Now you need to get that website.
4. Collect or write content for your site.
5. Set your site up.
6. Patience. You won’t start up the business and tomorrow your bank account will be healthy.
7. Be persistent. This might be an unfamiliar field but with time you will know exactly what you are doing. Read up on jargon.
8. Helpless with a computer, don’t be scared. As an older man I had to overcome mine. Now my wife, who encouraged me, now fights me.
9. Please, don’t put up a site that would keep potential buyers from clicking on your links. If they start to admire your pretty pictures they might forget to move on to the site of the product you promote. Your site needs to make money or are you going to enter it into a Miss Beautiful Website competition?

Set up your site and start your affiliate research now or just click here to promote websites.
See you later. God bless you.

Steven D, South Africa
Ps: Sign up to my RSS Feed now.

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